Watch my feature film, Lovers in a Dangerous Time, on iTunes! DVDs and CDs of the soundtrack will be available soon!

It’s been ten years now since I made this film. Time flies. It’s pure Canadiana. Winner of several Best Picture awards at festivals around the world. A labor of true indie filmmaking love. A PD 150 camera, a small crew, improvised actors and nonactors fueled by passion, and a few Kokanee beers, eh!

More film projects below as an actor, director, art director, casting director, writer, sound, editor, and/or producer.

I had a lot of fun working as a D.I.T. on the short film “Marked,” starring Kiefer Sutherland and Stephen Fry.

I had much fun working as a D.I.T. on the short film “Marked,” starring Kiefer Sutherland and Stephen Fry.